Giving a brief account of the main points in the HKMA guidance note on business continuity planning. 扼要叙述金管局将会发出的持续业务运作规划建议文件的要点。
Only by giving a true account of our feelings, thoughts and life, can we produce good writings. 我们只有写自己真实的感想,真实的思想,真实的生活,才能把文章写好;
The official news agency has also been giving its account of what's been happening. 官方新闻机构对所发生的事情进行了报道。
This article sets out to examine innovative education at college level in America, Germany and Japan, thereby giving a summary account of college-level innovative education in those three countries; 本文首先考察了教育发达的美国、德国和日本的大学创新教育,总结出了这三个国家大学创新教育的六点基本经验;
"chart of accounts: A systematically arranged list of accounts applicable to a specific concern giving account names and numbers, if any." The provision for bad debts shall be itemized and shown as a deduction item of accounts receivable in the financial statement. 会计科目表:为特殊目的而设立并经过系统整理的帐户一览表,注有帐户名称和帐号。坏帐准备金在会计报表中作为应收帐款的备抵项目列示。
The propositions giving an account of thought in this and the following sections are not offered as assertions or opinions of mine on the matter. 这里和下面几节所提出的一些规定,对布什我个人对思维的主张或意见。
But he went out, and made it public, giving an account of it everywhere, so that Jesus was no longer able to go openly into a town, but was outside in the waste land; and they came to him from every part. 那人出去,倒说许多的话,把这件事传扬开了,叫耶稣以后不得再明明地进城,只好在外边旷野地方。人从各处都就了他来。
Day200: Have you drawn the curtain on giving this account to the students? 你完成用这个账户打款给学生了吗?
Only by so doing can a compay enter the target country's market and cater to the needs of the local customers, giving a good account of itself in the international market competition. 只有如此,企业才能打入目标国市场,迎合当地消费者的需要,从而在国际市场竞争中获胜。
I know little about Shanghai security situation, would you mind giving me a brief account of it? 我对上海的安全状况了解的很少,请你简要介绍一下好么?
By giving an account of Malthus ′ s basic frame of population model, the present paper points out that the historic position of Malthusian population model should not be negated; 描述马尔萨斯人口模型的基本框架,指出马尔萨斯人口模型的历史地位不应被否定;
By giving an account of the concept, composition, connotation and chief functions of salaries in the hospital, the paper underlines a number of issues that ought to be stressed in the management of salaries, viz. 通过介绍医院薪酬的概念、构成、内涵及主要功能等,重点论述了薪酬管理中应注意的若干问题,即薪酬的外部竞争性或外部公平性;
This paper, through a comparative study of the three philosophers in terms of the death of God and the death of man, analyzes their great differences with a view of giving a historical account of modern Western philosophy. 本文力图考察黑格尔、尼采与福柯各自的上帝之死与人之死的思想意蕴,考辨其深刻差异,以期梳理西方现代性思想的发展线索。
While giving a brief account of securities investment funds, this article uses theories and practices to analyze the problems related to it in order to propose systematic analyzing methods and practicing suggestion for the market participants. 本文从概述证券投资基金入手,从理论基础到实践论证等方面阐述了我国证券投资基金投资风格的相关问题,以期为证券基金市场参与者总结提出较系统的分析方法和实践建议。
While giving an account of the implementation of the contractual management responsibility system in geological and prospecting units of Shaanxi, the article discusses the personal income of contractors in distribution. 本文介绍了陕西省地矿局在地勘单位实行承包经营责任制的过程中,对承包经营者的个人收入分配问题,进行了分析探讨。
By giving a brief account of its concept, characteristics and functions, this paper tries to present the principles of applying Whole Language Teaching Approach in college English teaching and explore the possibilities of its application in classroom teaching. 本文概述了整体语言教学的含义、特点及功能,提出了在大学英语教学中实施整体语言教学的原则,具体探讨了整体语言教学在大学英语课堂教学中的实施。
The prospecting potential area is defined according to a comprehensive research and 1 ∶ 200 000 geologic mineral data, meanwhile, giving an account of the characteristics in the prospecting potential area. 在综合研究的基础上,根据1/20万地质矿产资料确定了找矿远景区,并对找矿远景区特征加以叙述。
Giving a brief account of the six-time salary increase of civil servants, the treatise analyzes the income standard of civil servants, and further probes into the relationship between salary increase of civil servants and fiscal revenue and expenditure, efficiency of public provision and economic growth. 本文概述了公务员六次加薪的情况,分析了公务员的收入水平,并进一步探讨了公务员加薪与财政收支、公共提供效率以及经济增长之间的关系。
By giving a detailed account of the evolution of Chinese classical poetry as a musical genre, it is a breakthrough not only in the study of Tang poetry but also in the study of musical genres. 它使人们对中国古代诗歌这一音乐文体的发生发展变化过程的描述显得更加清晰,这不仅是二十世纪唐诗研究中的一个重大发现,也是整个音乐文体研究的一个重大发现。
This essay discusses the skills in long-term stock ownership investment accounting under the cost method as well as giving an account of the formulae for calculation of the investment income. 本文在归类整理投资期投资收益计算公式基础上,主要阐述成本法下长期股权投资的核算技巧。
This paper reviewed the history of inspection and quarantine on quality and technology based on giving a brief account of the entry and exit of inspection and quarantine administration. 本文从出入境检验检疫管理概述入手,回顾了出入境检验检疫的由来和发展史,简要介绍了出入境检验检疫管理工作职责。
The thesis deals with this clear fact, giving account of some of its features, drawing the conclusion that the modern Chinese essay stories are lyrical by nature, not dramatic in terms of its structure. 本文旨在描述其状貌,廓清其特征,认为,中国现代散文化小说是抒情的小说,非戏剧性小说,抒情性与结构的非戏剧性就是其核心特征。
After giving a brief account and development introduction of ground-casting ball, together with a detailed study on its present condition in domestic colleges, this thesis puts forward an all-round discussion about the positive significance and prosperous foreground of developing ground-casting ball in colleges. 本文通过对地掷球运动概况和发展介绍及目前我国高校地掷球运动开展的现状分析,论述了高校开展地掷球运动的积极意义和发展前景。
The paper, after giving an account of the high availability and the data failure recovery of the library automatic management system, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of three system disposition modes, and accordingly attempts to raise some remedying measures. 本文介绍了图书馆自动化管理系统的高可用性、数据故障恢复特点,并简单分析了图书馆自动化管理系统三种部署模式的优缺点及其补救措施。
His novel "Traditional Chinese Painting" has draws the outline of various aspects of authority, giving a brief account of spiritual cartoon for frontier figures and expressed the author's misery consciousness deeply by his skillful artistry. 他的长篇小被《国画》以圆熟的艺术技巧,勾画了权力中心的世相百态,勾勒了边缘人物的精神漫画,表现了作家深深的忧患意识。
The second part expounds the main features of the law, giving a brief account of the law. 第二部分论述了俄罗斯政党法的几个主要特点,简要介绍了政党法的主要内容;
His buildings, returning place, culture, race, personal history, listening the sound of stone, giving a story account of mobile time. 他的建筑作品,回归地方、文化、种族、个人的历史,聆听石头的声音,讲述流动的时间故事。
It first explores the origin of northern-style glove puppetry by giving an account of the artistic style of Zhangzhou puppet carvings, performances, music and stage designs. 正文从梳理漳州布袋木偶戏偶雕、表演、音乐、舞美的艺术风格入手,探究其北派源流。
The first chapter is introduction, giving an account of the significance of the thesis, expound the research methods and point out the difficulty. 第一章绪论,交代了论题的提出与研究的意义,研究方法以及研究重点与难点。
Introduced the merits of the case of Wu Ying illegal fund raising, giving an account of the background of the discussion in this article, leads to the focus of controversy between the parties. 通过对吴英非法集资案的案情介绍,,交代本文讨论的背景,引出各方争论的焦点。